groth biogas

Biogas Solutions

Safeguard your employees, property, and profit with Groth Biogas products

flame control
flame control

Flame Control Equipment

relief valves

Pressure / Vacuum Relief Valves

gas control

Gas Control Equipment

digester control equipment

Anaerobic Digester Cover Equipment

waste gas burners flares

Waste Gas Burners / Flares

Biogas Processing

Our biogas products prevent damage from fire and explosion, safely reduce atmospheric emissions, and protect the environment. Our products support the unique treatment processes of municipal, agricultural, landfill gas, and food and beverage applications. We also provide biogas control valves, assemblies, and burners that are often part of multiple digester gas systems, anaerobic digesting systems or other wastewater treatment processes. Find the right balance for your facility.

As experts in biogas and wastewater processes, we understand that process selection and design are key to the performance and reliability of your plant. Gas, chemical outputs and processing systems at wastewater treatment facilities can make balancing efficiency, safety and control a complex task – but we’re here to help.

dairy farm digeseters
food beverage
wwtp wastewater treatment plant
flame control

Biogas Flame Control

Groth Biogas flame controls inhibit flame propagation in gas piping systems and protects low pressure tanks containing flammable liquids. Use it to protect low flash-point liquids from external sources of ignition and increase fire protection and safety.

pressure relief valves

Pressure/Vacuum Relief Valves

Groth Biogas pressure vacuum relief valves are designed to protect your tank from damage created by overpressure or excessive vacuum. Costly product evaporation losses due to normal tank “breathing” are greatly reduced. Because relief valves retain toxic vapors, atmospheric contamination is minimized. This helps to provide increased fire protection and safety.

biogas gas control equipment

Gas Control Equipment

Groth Biogas line of gas control products includes equipment to remove moisture, foam and sediment from saturated biogas. Flame arresters are offered for installation between ignition sources and vital equipment. Check valves are provided where a reversal of flow would damage rotating equipment or disrupt the system’s pressure balance.

anaerobic digester cover equipment

Anaerobic Digester Cover Equipment

Pressure/vacuum relief valves are protection devices typically mounted on a nozzle opening on the top of a fixed roof atmospheric storage tank. Their primary purpose is to protect a tank against rupture or implosion by allowing the tank to breathe, or vent, when pressure changes in the tank due to normal operations. A minimum of two pressure/vacuum relief valves with flame arresters are recommended along with a Safety Selector Valve. The Safety Selector Valve enables isolating one set of equipment while performing maintenance on the other set.

waste gas burners flares

Waste Gas Burners/Flares

A waste gas burner is used to safely incinerate waste gases, preventing odors and fugitive VOC emissions.

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